FVASEE Technology Co Limited
- 1231人气指数
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- 0入站次数
- 21出站次数
- 2022-08-11收录日期
- 2024-09-19更新日期
FVASEE Technology Co Limited
interactive whiteboard, smart board , interactive display, touch screen aio computer, digital signage
An Expert Manufacturer of Digital Touch Screen since 2011. Established in 2011, a national high and new technology enterprise. Fvasee (Shenzhen) Technology Co. Limited is one of the largest and professional manufacturers of touch digital displays in China. We have become a one-stop shop for all kinds of professional touch display products in virtually any size, such as touch interactive whiteboards, indoor/outdoor LCD advertising displays, LCD video walls, touch interactive kiosks and more. Konka trusts our factory with above 10 years’ OEM/ODM experience on manufacturing digital touch systems products. We have six in-house R&D staff/engineer director with more than 10 years’ experience and four professional after-sale staff. Our 6,000-square-meter factory including 4,000-square-meter no dust clean room is equipped with automatic machines from overseas. Our factory is supported by more than 100 workers, including 13 engineers and QC. Compliant with CE, RoHS, FCC and UL Standards Profiting from our factory’s advanced machinery, raw materials 97% sourcing from first-line supplier, good quality control facilities and professional 13 engineers and QC team, our products are qualified with CE, FCC, RoHS and UL certificates. Conforming to the international standards, our factory exports business accounts for about 66.7% of the total revenue. 100% Qualified Goods We 100% conduct strict well-rounded quality assurance and quality control system. Our quality manager has more than nine years’ experience. From the raw materials to pre-production to final packaging, our six in-house QC and four QA personnel monitor each process closely.
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